Friday, January 7, 2011

Replacing People

Happy new year to you! The holidays are gone, I hope everybody had their fare share of amazing cookies and cocktails. I know I did both and you would think adult drinks and cookies wouldn't be the best thing to consume but let me say it was damn good and the cookies just got better.

I have had a long break from doing something I enjoy and that is to type what I feel and do it for the people who cant get what they want to say to the ones that need to hear it. I'm sure some people can tell you I do like to talk.... A LOT! Maybe that's why I have so much to type about. Over this period of time/break I have went up and down in a relationship, and I really think that's what killed my motivation for writing. Needless to say I'm on to bigger and better things. No more negativity nothing that's not me. I am always forgiving of the past and letting things go and moving on, I never wish bad upon anybody, we all choose our own paths in life.

With that being said I want to thank those of you for being a reader of mine and still interested in what I say. People mock this attitude occasionally and for me its something that I cant really get mad at. I am always questioned about the nature I bring to somebody about the feel good attitude of why I am the way I am. Simply put "LOVE LIFE". I say it and say it a lot and people mock it. I don't really care because this is my life, right? Yes I think so. The whole reason for being happy goes with a lot of things and choices we make. Choices is really what it comes down to. My choice, your choice, and when your together its becomes our choice.

Although this post is not about choices but somehow relates to this simple word with yet such embracing power. REPLACING PEOPLE is what I named this post. I hope you didn't think of killing somebody off or anything like that. People in your life will come and go, and when you stop and really look further into it you realize that people are continually being replaced everyday. New people enter, old ones leave and of coarse you have the those lucky few that will stay forever. Replacing people in your life should never be looked down on. Lets admit it! If you don't like somebody in your life you try to find a way out, right?

Now I have always made the decision to surround myself with positive people, and always see a positive view. I know sometimes you cant but for the most part we should always try. The people in my life that I have cut out was for me, nobody else it was for me! I'm the one that has to live my life and I want to do it my way and enjoy every last breath. The people that I swept out I have never wanted anything to happen to them, even though when they leave you always think about stuff like that. As much as we wish its not the way to be. I am guilty of it but I knew it was wrong so I completely let it go and focused on me. I replaced these people with good ones, I know that the saying of replacing sounds so harsh, but its an unintentional thing that we all do. Somebody leaves and knew people come in. The people I have are good people, yes had to weed some out, but again MY LIFE! Entering new friendships, relationships, work relations anything that brings somebody new is pretty damn cool. I have the chance to meet people, I have a chance to experience things that other people will never do because of the choices they make. I know if your reading this post you agree with me when I say we are truly blessed with what we have and people that are among us.

In closing, the good people we have right now could be gone tomorrow,we didn't come with an expiration date,or a time limit. We came here from the love that one person had for us. This is what happens when you give yourself to people you want and release the ones that you need to. Stay positive my friends, people will always come and go in your life, people will always try to hurt you and people will always find something wrong with you. What can you say? replace or keep, your choice!

Love Life

My Intentions is to shine a light on why people go and come in our lives. This post is not intended to hurt anybody or directed at anybody. I type from my own personal experience. Your story or how you think is respected. I value different thoughts from different people. I will Never judge anybody for their own feelings about what I say. Please understand these are my experiences and if you disagree that's cool to. Much Love


  1. I love reading every word that you pour out. Thanks for always staying who you are...and thanks for sharing your gift...your insight...and your words.

  2. Oh my gosh I felt like you were writing about me. I was sitting here new years eve thinking okay what is my new years resolution going to be and I decided for it to be to forget all the people that don't want to be in my life and remember the ones that do. I thought that way I could be more positive. I hope it works. :)
